Stackz for Android

Started by AsZe, January 17, 2010, 02:17:40 PM

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I just have one request, though I'm not sure if it counts as a feature so much as a new 'version' of the existing features - any chance for a Stackz for Android edition to come out?


We are currently observing the Android platform, and there might be a Stackz version, some day in the future.
But please don't expect this soon, we are currently working on the iPhone version.


I would like to place my vote for an Android version.

Due to the open nature of the software and the fact that it can run on many different phones, it is becoming far more popular than even iPhone. Also since the new Windows 7 Mobile does not support apps from previous Windows phones, current Pocket PC users will not be tied to Windows phones and may well switch to iPhone or Android. I will probably switch to Android.

So I do hope you will be able to make an Android version. Thanks.


My WM6.5 worked fine with stackz, but now it's broken and I'm about to get a new one, which will be certainly with android, because WM7 doesn't support stackz as far as I know, so android seems to me the better choice.

Can we expect an android version soon, or do I have to look for something else than stackz?

I love stackz, I learned almost every day for years with stackz, and I have thousands of self made stackz-cards, so I would be very happy, if I could continue as soon as possible.
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Hello Atomu,

I would vote for Android and wait a bit for Android version.  ;)

Best Regards,


Hi Konstantin,

thx so much for your answer. I think I will do so.
Can you tell us how long we have to wait?
I mean, is it weeks, months or years?  ;D

With kind regards
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Quote from: atomu on January 07, 2011, 06:31:50 PM
Can you tell us how long we have to wait?

Hi Atomu,

Let say few months.
Hopefully I can present something during the first quarter this year.

Android is growing rapid. We must support it :-)

Do you know already which Android device you are going do buy?
If I had to do it now, it would be hard for me to make a decision.
There are so many of them...

Best Regards,


Decision was hard between Samsung Galaxy I9000 and HTC Desire HD. In the end I took the HTC.

Someone told me android is now on more devices than apple os. So it would be worth to support.

I'm waiting excitedly!

世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Hi, I'm still waiting for the release. Would be so happy to learn with Stackz again. I really miss it. Actually, I forgot so much since I don't have it on my phone. Are you still working on a Android version?

世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Our focus is currently on the iPhone version, but the Android version is also already under development. We hope to post more news after the holiday season!


Thank you very much for your reply.
I'm waiting excitedly!!
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より