PocketStackz on Smartphone with WM 6.5 or upcomimg WM 7

Started by atomu, January 22, 2010, 10:53:16 PM

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I'm still learning every day on my FSC Pocket-Loox 720 and it's great, but it's getting pretty old and already has some minor bugs. I'm looking for a new hardware.

I want to buy one of these WM devices:

HTC Touch HD
Sony Ericsson X2
Samsung Omnia II I8000

Will run PocketStackz on these Smartphones with WM 6.5?
Will the hardware buttons work?

Note that the HTC HD 2 has no stylus (which I use often) and a capacitive display like the iPhone. It's the first and only WM-device with that display on the market. It has fantastic 4.3" size and I think that would be very helpful for small Japanese characters. Will PocketStackz run on it?

I tend a bit to the older HTC Touch HD, because it has a stylus, and without it I would miss the Kanji handwriting recognition very much.

As for WM 7, it will be available perhaps in the second half of this year, but only capacitive displays will be supported, so from now-on-market devices only the HTC HD 2!
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Hi atomu,

I have to say that I have not tried jet any devices running WM 6.5,
but I do not see why Stackz should not run on these devices.
I would buy a new device and try  :)

Best Regards,


Hi Konstantin,

thank you very much for your reply.

I'm struggling between HTC HD2 (4,3", no stylus, WM 6.5) and HTC Touch HD (3,8", stylus, WM 6.1). Which one would be better for Stackz?

Are you sure Stackz is running on the capacitive display of the HD2? It's quite expensive, so I only want to buy it if it works.

With kind regards
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Hi atomu,

I have checked with an emulator provided by Microsoft and
PocketStackz works on both systems (WM 6.1 and WM 6.5).
Normally, if PocketStackz works on an emulator, it works on a real device as well.
What is critical is that it should be a professional version of the Windows Mobile (not a standard).
As I see from specifications, both devices are running under the professional version.
So, I do not expect any problems with these devices.
But since the HTC HD2 has a bigger screen resolution you may find some PocketStackz icons a bit too small.

Hope it helps you to make a decision.

Best Regards,


Hi Konstantin,

thank you very much for taking the time. It helps a lot!

QuoteBut since the HTC HD2 has a bigger screen resolution you may find some PocketStackz icons a bit too small.

Are you sure about that? I thought a bigger screen would be helpful, and as far as I see, HTC HD2 has the same resolution as HTC Touch HD:

HD2: 4.3-inch Capacitive touch screen Resolution: 480 X 800 WVGA vs.
Touch HD: 3.8-inch TFT-LCD flat touch-sensitive screen with 480 x 800 WVGA resolution

If the Icons are too small it must be hard to work accurately without a stylus.

Yours sincerely

世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Hi atomu,

Quote from: atomu on January 26, 2010, 03:17:08 PM

QuoteBut since the HTC HD2 has a bigger screen resolution you may find some PocketStackz icons a bit too small.

Are you sure about that? I thought a bigger screen would be helpful, and as far as I see, HTC HD2 has the same resolution as HTC Touch HD:

HD2: 4.3-inch Capacitive touch screen Resolution: 480 X 800 WVGA vs.
Touch HD: 3.8-inch TFT-LCD flat touch-sensitive screen with 480 x 800 WVGA resolution

You are absolutely right.
A bigger screen is definitely better if screen resolution is the same.
Sorry for confusing you.

Best Regards,


Thank you very much! I'm still struggling between the 2 devices, but I will buy one of them soon and tell you how stackz "feels" on it here.
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


For anyone who is interested, i tried out stackz on my HD2 today and it seems to work fine, icon/button sizes are great (higher res screen, but compensated for by the fact that it is a larger screen). The only minor bug is that the images in the bottom menu are psychedelic colours. Only used it for a few minutes but will report if any other bugs surface.
+1 for a windows 7 version! ;)


I have the HD 2 now more than 3 months and Stackz works fine. The larger screen is really helpful. You can't use the hardware buttons any more, that's the only thing I miss. But even when the buttons take away a part of it, the screen is bigger than on my old device. Ah, and sometimes I miss the stylus, when I want to move the lines in List View, but I don't need that very often, and you can get used to that by practise.

To say something more positive, Stackz works very fast on the HD 2. Much faster than on my old device. That's really fun. To scroll with the fingertips is very easy if you get used to it. Maybe it would be smart, if you could get to the next card by gesture in Test Modus, like similar functions in the calendar or other applications running on WM 6.5.
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より