Do you still use paper flashcards?

Started by Chris, January 08, 2006, 10:17:10 AM

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Stackz allows to manage a large number of flashcards electronically. How much paper-based learning material do you use besides Stackz?


I have been looking for something like PocketStackz to get away from using paper flashcards.  I originally started with paper flashcards and they started to pile up quickly.  So I decided that a PDA solution would be ideal.  I wanted something that would allow me to categorize the cards as well as give indications of what should be studied.  I started with Supermemo for the PocketPC but I did not care for how everything was lumped into one collection with no way to study cards of a particular topic.  Pocketstackz seems to be more of what I have been looking for.  It allows me to pick cards from a particular lesson and gives nice indications of what is at risk of being forgotten.  The end goal is no paper flashcards.  Now if I could only resolve the linefeed problem (see other post under PocketStackz forum).



Kinzokusei no Inu

I gave up paper flashcards when I bought my computer in 1999.? I don't think I'd ever go back to that now.


I thing it is also very usefull to use paper flashcard in addition. In my very personal case, my children (9 years old) also study Japanese kanjis and are most familiar with paper cards. Therefore I posted a message yesterday in the "Stackz Flashcards Organizer For PC" forum ("Flashcards printing") asking for adding the possibility to configure the content, sizes etc... of the paper cards.


I?ve produced more than 2000 handwritten paper flashcards before I started  with Stackz 3 weeks ago. I still use them. They?re a kind of treasure to me, so I?ll never throw them away.

But since I use Stackz, I don?t produce any new papercards. Maybe I?ll continue one day. Depends on the experiences with Stackz...
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Never.  A better question is: how often do you use paper?  Rarely.  I've moved to Tablet PC, which is great since it has built in Japanese hand writting recognition, unlimited supply of spare paper, an especially intuitive interface for flashcard programs.


I intend to continue using paper cards as I believe the electronic ones will never be able to totally replace them.

With Kanji cards i find it very helpful to take 10 or 15 I have never seen before and just lay them out on my desk. I simply look at them for a while to get used to what they look like.

I tried to print some out of of stackz and I got the question and the answer on the same side of the card. Am I doing something wrong? How do i get the answer on the back instead of right under the question?

Help? :)


There is no double sided print support at the moment in Stackz. This feature might be added at some point in time, but it has hardly ever been requested so it's very low priority.

The "print as flashcards" function has still its sense even the single sided way it is today; for exactly the purpose that you mentioned - you can print out the words that have been accumulated on the left side of a Stackz document as cards to carry them with you, arrange them on the desk, sort out the easy ones etc... things you can't do with a printed list. Really learning using the printed cards involves covering them partly, which is not ideal of course, but possible.


The printer can handle the 2-sided printing the software would just need to send the "questions" on one page and then the "Answers" on the next.

At least for me (any my japanese class) this would be a wonderful feature!


And you would glue them together or what? I suggest against gluing things together to carry around...
Maybe a bit thicker paper but without gluing it together would work better.
Well this would of course also require larger changes with resinerting the paper for the answers to be printed them (of course a certain way of inserting them would be necessary).


There is no need to glue.

I have a printer that automatically does 2-sided prints.
For those who do not have something like this available you can select "odd pages" in your print settings then turn the paper over and select "even pages" to print the other side.

I print downloaded books like this all the time, works great and saves paper!


I made many sets of flashcards when I first came to Japan nine years ago. Returning five years later, I have been a Stackz user on my desktop for over two years. I've been excited to see my progression. Stackz gave me every reason to stop using my paper-based flashcards. Recently, I picked up a Windows Mobile phone and have been using PocketStackz and Kanji King together, so that I can study during my daily commute.

Thanks for making a great product!


At least this Stackz user still has his finger crossed for 2 sided cards.. This would be great my Japanese study group as we often quiz each other on vocabulary. The dictionary functionality in Stackz has helped me put together a standard vocabulary for my group to study, adding new words each week. Having a group vocabulary helps us communicate amongst ourselves and use less English when we are studying.


Well, yeah, on the go.. somewhat.

I have tried the PC version of Stackz and liked it. I am planning to buy the 2007 version when it comes out.

I don't plan to purchase a portable version, however, since carrying an extra item in addition to my mobile phone and my NDS Lite (which I mainly use for learning Japanese) would prove hard to manage. I keep a deck of White Rabbit Kanji flashcards in my car's rack and study them occasionally. I wish that there was a Stackz version for the NDS  :)