PocketStackz 2007 Beta is available

Started by Konstantin, July 29, 2007, 10:04:46 PM

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A first beta version of PocketStackz 07 is available.

Here is the link to this version:

The main changes are:

  • New icons (the same as PC Stackz uses).
  • Navigation buttons on the writing pad.
  • Test status is shown on the Test/Learn dialog.
  • Some bugs have been fixed.

Any feedback and new feature requests are welcome.

Best regards,


 Looks absolutely beautiful on my Toshiba e800 with WM2003 (first ed) running in VGA. The new icons even size properly for real VGA. Everything looks perfect except for the text on the lower right part of the menu bar. It runs off the right edge of the screen.
Any chance of kanji drawing quizzes (or at least drawing practice) being included in the new release?


So....how about a '07 version of the List Editor, too?  ::)


I love the new version of PocketStackz. The lack of coloring during testing was really the only thing that I disliked about the last version. Glad to see it added! =)

I did notice a bug, however, and would like to make a request:
The "XXXX cards left" text on the flashcard page is right aligned, not left aligned, so that when the number of cards exceeds 999 (I generally test 1600+ cards at a time) the text gets cut off on the right.

Also, it would be nice to be able to see the stats of each card during the testing, like is available on the PC version. For example, showing the number of successes / failures, the days since last review, etc. It keeps me more aware of my knowledge of the cards than just the colors (which can change as you go through a stack).

Thanks again for a wonderful program!


Thanks - I've been looking forward to try this out.  My initial thoughts:
The changes are very welcome.  I never noticed the "fine select" feature before, but I'm sure I'll use it now.

1) New Font on Storage
Great function!  I was already getting this function with a program called "FontOnStorage" but I like the idea of this being included with stackz.  I use a font that has all the kanji with stroke orders embedded in the font (http://www.users.waitrose.com/~potato/index.html - free, one of my best finds in a long time).  The problem is, with the new version the font is being used for the titles above the lessons; in the old version, the font was not affecting the lesson titles.  Now I can't use my font!!  The lesson names become unreadable.  Because of this, I had to roll back to the prior version.

2) Feature Requests

* I haven't decided if I like the buttons on the writing pad yet.  I use the buttons on my pocket pc, so having them there just takes up space for me.  Could you include an option to only show the clear/undo buttons?

* I would like to see a quick edit button like Stackz desktop has in testing/learning modes - I like to add example sentences as I go (I know, it is only a pen tap/click away to the "edit card" menu, but it would be convenient to have something more easily accessible - new button down at the bottom?).

* Edit mode - show all entries.  As the program works now, only the currently displayed entries are available.  It is tedious to add comments to entries when I am testing kanji, for example.  I have to switch out of kanji writing skill mode, into standard test mode, add my comment, then switch back to kanji writing skill mode.  It would be nice if instead all of the fields were displayed upon entering edit mode.

* Optional integration with kanjidic?  I'm always wanting to look up the meanings of kanji using kanjidic - I currently do this by changing to edit mode, copying the kanji, pasting in EBPocket EPWING dictionary software, and then searching.  If only it was bundled.

* Selectable text in the test/learn modes.  Since I copy and paste to other programs, it would be handy to have the text selectable so that I can copy and paste it without having to switch to edit mode.

*Bug: I'm using a Dell Axim x50v.  When I select Tools>Options>Entries, nothing happens.  That is, until I click the start menu and Stackz briefly loses and regains focus.  Then the pop-up displays.  Then if I click "change..." nothing happens, until I click the start menu.  I confirmed this in both 2006 and 2007 versions.

*Bug: I cannot scroll down far enough to completely reveal the last item in the Stackz file dialog when there are enough files to require scrolling.  The last file item gets cut 1/2 off so that I can only see the top 1/2 of the file name.  It is still selectable and openable, but a little odd with 1/2 of it below the bottom edge.

Thanks for reading!


Thanks for your feedback!

Quote from: stackzrockz on November 12, 2007, 03:03:17 PM
* I haven't decided if I like the buttons on the writing pad yet.  I use the buttons on my pocket pc, so having them there just takes up space for me.  Could you include an option to only show the clear/undo buttons?

Please try the latest version.

It works as you proposed. You can always hide buttons on the writing pad
by pressing the "use navigation buttons" toolbar button.

Best Regards,



nice to see Pocketstackz developing. I don't like the new buttons though. I have a standard 320x240 PDA and I find it difficult to tell what the buttons mean just by looking at them. The old ones were more self-explanatory, like the arrows for the learn mode and the hand for the finde-select mode. Now they show just "something" colorful. Might work in the pc version and on pdas with high resolution, but not for normal pdas.

I have not purchased Pocketstackz yet. If I do now, do I have to pay again once 2007 Final comes out?




Quote from: whosnick on November 17, 2007, 02:29:14 PM
I have not purchased Pocketstackz yet. If I do now, do I have to pay again once 2007 Final comes out?

No, you do not have to pay again.



Just downloaded and tried the new beta.  The erase/undo buttons are now sizing correctly (they are large, compared with them being very minute on the last version) on my x50v.  I like that I can hide the navigation buttons.  Excellent modification!

Pending issues:

1) I'm still having issues with the font on storage - there needs to be an option to set the program font used for things like lesson titles (vs. card attribute fonts) so that I can use different fonts and still navigate the program (try installing and using the font I linked to in my previous post and you'll see what I mean - the font is magnificent for learning or confirming stroke order but terrible at small sizes).

See video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReHj1oZj1qc (for item 1 and the dialog bug mentioned below)


2) Quick edit button - Would like to see a quick edit button, as there is in the desktop version.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkisS4yGU0Y (video pertains to #2 and #3)

3) Show all attributes in edit mode - Would like ALL fields to be shown when editing a card like the desktop version.  For example, selecting "kanji meaning skill" shows the kanji and translation fields.  If I need to make a note in the comment field in this mode and try to "edit card" then only those fields are available.  I must first switch into a mode that shows all fields, then edit the card.  And then to get back to my "kanji meaning" drill, I have to switch back once more.  Rather tedious - in the desktop version all fields are visible regardless of the current testing modes. (see video above)

4) Selectable Text in various learn modes - during testing of stacks, would like the text to be selectable so that copying and pasting is possible, the same as is possible in the desktop version.


Bug - still various dialogs are not appearing until the program loses and regains focus, as mentioned in the above.  This bug has been a problem on both of my Dell Axim x50v handhelds, with both Japanese and English OSs.

See video above under item #1


Looking forward to improvements!


Quote from: whosnick on November 17, 2007, 02:29:14 PM
I don't like the new buttons though. The old ones were more self-explanatory, like the arrows for the learn mode and the hand for the finde-select mode. Now they show just "something" colorful.

By the way, I agree about the buttons - the old icons were rather intuitive - what about just sprucing the old ones up a little rather than replacing them?  I've got a high res screen, but I'm still not sure what those icons are...  The old ones were better IMHO.


Quote from: harisenbon on October 17, 2007, 02:59:57 AM
Also, it would be nice to be able to see the stats of each card during the testing, like is available on the PC version. For example, showing the number of successes / failures, the days since last review, etc. It keeps me more aware of my knowledge of the cards than just the colors (which can change as you go through a stack).

I agree with this. It would be useful to have this information displayed in the same way as the desktop version displays it.


Hello, I just purchased Pocket Stackz 2006 and liked it so much it made me want to try the 2007 beta (I hoped it would have the retention manager functionality)

anyway, I installed the beta and the japanese fonts dont show up I just get a bunch of squares. any help?


Crap, now I cant even go back to 2006, it's screwed up too!


ok, I got it working, it turned out that after I installed 2007, it created a empty fonts folder on the memory stick and the japanese fonts were broken until I copied my own version of msgothic into it, both 2006 and 2007 work now.

I wonder why the install refused to copy new fonts even after reinstalling 2006?


Quote from: stackzrockz on December 09, 2007, 03:08:08 PM
Pending issues:

1) I'm still having issues with the font on storage - there needs to be an option to set the program font used for things like lesson titles (vs. card attribute fonts) so that I can use different fonts and still navigate the program (try installing and using the font I linked to in my previous post and you'll see what I mean - the font is magnificent for learning or confirming stroke order but terrible at small sizes).

See video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReHj1oZj1qc (for item 1 and the dialog bug mentioned below)


2) Quick edit button - Would like to see a quick edit button, as there is in the desktop version.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkisS4yGU0Y (video pertains to #2 and #3)

3) Show all attributes in edit mode - Would like ALL fields to be shown when editing a card like the desktop version.  For example, selecting "kanji meaning skill" shows the kanji and translation fields.  If I need to make a note in the comment field in this mode and try to "edit card" then only those fields are available.  I must first switch into a mode that shows all fields, then edit the card.  And then to get back to my "kanji meaning" drill, I have to switch back once more.  Rather tedious - in the desktop version all fields are visible regardless of the current testing modes. (see video above)

4) Selectable Text in various learn modes - during testing of stacks, would like the text to be selectable so that copying and pasting is possible, the same as is possible in the desktop version.


Bug - still various dialogs are not appearing until the program loses and regains focus, as mentioned in the above.  This bug has been a problem on both of my Dell Axim x50v handhelds, with both Japanese and English OSs.


Thanks a lot for your input!
I will implement some of your ideas like "Quick edit button" and "Show all attributes in edit mode".

Thanks for the video that demonstrates the bug.
I've never seen it before, but now I know what I should check...

Best Regards,