Problems with orange color

Started by Teskal, April 01, 2009, 04:56:28 PM

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I have a Problem with the Stackz for windows mobile.

- I have PocketStackz 2007 B2
- I have windows mobile 6
- my file has 102 Lessons
- every lection has 20 Entries
- I think before I put lection 53 - 102 in the file it was ok

- I use the Leitner System
- I use the repeat advisor

- I choosed "Duplicate Refresh Interval on each Success in Level 5

Promotion Level
1 = 1 day
2 = 1 day  (so 2. days old entries are Orange)
3 = 3 days (so 4. days old entries are Orange)
4 = 7 days (so 8. days old entries are Orange)
5 = 15 days (so 16. days old entries are Orange)

My Problem is, that on the 2./4./8./16.  day the entries will not appear in orange, only a day later.
But a day later I have for 2 days orange entries.

I need the entries in Orange, so I know when to stop during testing.

I tested the stackz-file in windows XP with the stackz tool and it is ok. Entries are orange on the 2./4./8./16.

Where is the error? How can I remove it, I don't want to restart the file completely.

here is the file:

there must be 28 orange entries in the stack-column 2-5, please ignore orange colors in stack-column 1.

I removed lections 81-102 to check if I had to much lessons, but same issue

I changed the promotion level days about one day, saved file and changed it back, but same issue

I had this issue in the last two days

today in stackz-column 2 I see many orange colores, but not in stackz column 3-5.


I found my Sync-SW so I could install newest version of Pocket Stackz: 7.1

But still same issue.


Few days later, stackz-column 2 and 3 are ok, but 4 and 5 are not.

If this solves from alone in a few days I'm happy, but what if this happens again?

And why is nobody interested in this issue?



Thank you for reporting the problem.
I will check what I can do.

Best Regards,


Few days later again, the forth column seems to be ok, now.

I think the 5th column will be ok again in 15 or 16 days (not necessarily 15 days from today)

But it would be better to find the reason.  :) Thx for looking after it.


Hallo, is there anybody???

I have still this problem.

The last few weeks I didn't use this file on my PC, today I checked it again on the PC and the stackz-pc version shows in the 5 stackz-column 326 orange items, with pocket-stackz, I have 0 orange items.

I paid for this program, and I'm very angry that there is no further response or after this time any help!


Yes of course we are still here, at the moment we focus our efforts mainly in preparation work for future ideas. Your question seems not to have received the attention it merits... thank you for reminding us about this unsolved problem, we will try to improve our reaction time.

Our mobile developer had a first look at this when I last talked to him, but he did not find the time to completely solve it yet. He promised me to attack it as soon as he can.

Please apologize the unusual long delay of this issue!


Quote from: Teskal on May 12, 2009, 11:33:03 PM
Hallo, is there anybody???

Sorry for not updating you.

I am still working on your issue.
It takes a bit longer than I expected,
because I have to port the current PocketStackz to a new for me development tool.
This requires some modification in code and additional testing.
I have to finish this step before I can fix your issue.

Sorry for that.
I will contact you as soon as I have a new version for you.

Best regards,


Quote from: Konstantin on May 13, 2009, 11:23:10 PM
I will contact you as soon as I have a new version for you.


I believe I have fixed the bug.
Could you please try a new version located here:
If it works as you expect, I will release this version.

For me it was not really a bug, but a bit different interpretation of the refresh intervals.
I always interpreted a "refresh interval" as a time period when cards should not be marked as "orange".
This works unless you are going to repeat cards every day.
So, my original interpretation of "refresh intervals" is not really good and is not consistent with desktop Stackz.
Thanks again for reporting the problem and please sorry for delay.

Best Regards,


I cannot synchronize with my PDA in the moment, I reinstalled yesterday windows XP, but still same issue. I can I install this program directly from the SD card?


Quote from: Teskal on May 25, 2009, 11:57:44 AM
Can I install this program directly from the SD card?

Yes, you can install PocketStackz directly from the SD card.
In order to do it please do the following steps:
1) Copy Stackz.ARM.CAB file on your SD card.
2) Stop PocketStackz if it's running.
3) Find the Stackz.ARM.CAB file with Pocket FileExplorer and click on the file by your stylus.

The most difficult part is to copy the Stackz.ARM.CAB file without ActiveSync working on your desktop PC.

Best Regards,

P.S. The Stackz.ARM.CAB file is a part of the


I put the extracted Folder on the SD-Card, started the file, I get the error message that the installation failed. Stackz was stopped, after soft reset same issue.

So I will end first the last remaining heisig lessons and after it I make a cold reset and try to sync it again