PocketStackz 2006 released!

Started by Chris, February 21, 2006, 06:44:37 AM

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PocketStackz 2006 has been released yesterday!

* Support of VGA mode and Windows Mobile 5.0
* Simplified insertion of new cards, including "Add new lesson" option
* Language specific "minimum font size"
* Conversion of Chinese tone numbers to accentuated PinYin for display

Please upgrade to the new version! No upgrade fee, Stackz 2005 liceneses are valid for Stackz 2006 also.

Download from this location:



I started learning with PocketStackz only just 2 weeks ago, but it seems to be exactly the thing I was looking for. Yesterday I upgraded to PocketStackz 2006, and I?m very happy with it. Now on my FSC Loox 720 the beautiful ttf I built in looks much brighter than before.

But unfortunately the test writing box is very small now. I?m not sure yet, how useful this box may be in future for me, because even before I was not very happy with the japanese Kanji I wrote in that box. They don?t look very nice. Well, it?s a system-immanent problem, but I don?t want to become used of this awful "paintings". May be, I?ll prefere pencil and paper for this direction of learning, but can?t do that anywhere of course.

Anyway, can I configure this box, or is there another solution? Thank you in advance.

世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Quote from: atomu on February 27, 2006, 01:33:47 PM

I started learning with PocketStackz only just 2 weeks ago, but it seems to be exactly the thing I was looking for. Yesterday I upgraded to PocketStackz 2006, and I?m very happy with it. Now on my FSC Loox 720 the beautiful ttf I built in looks much brighter than before.

But unfortunately the test writing box is very small now. I?m not sure yet, how useful this box may be in future for me, because even before I was not very happy with the japanese Kanji I wrote in that box. They don?t look very nice. Well, it?s a system-immanent problem, but I don?t want to become used of this awful "paintings". May be, I?ll prefere pencil and paper for this direction of learning, but can?t do that anywhere of course.

Anyway, can I configure this box, or is there another solution? Thank you in advance.


Hi atomu,

Thanks for the question!

Currently the writing pad has the same size as the area for the buttons.
When the writing pad gets activated, it simply overlaps the buttons.
Currently it is not possible to change this size.
I will add this issue to my TODO list.

Best regards,


世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


I have upgraded to the new version  ;D
Yes definetly a very good software!!

-I use the paint panel all the time to check if I remember correctly how to write the kanji, but it is indeed very small.
If we could write on any part of the screen this would be great! (like transcriber)

-I only use my pocket pc to input kanjis because I usually do that when not in front of my pc. So the add list feature is very helpfull! however why isn't there an option to delete the list? Personnally if I could do everything from my ppc I think it would be for the best.

-Also I am using pocket stackz during lunch break (I saw the post about "when do you use pcstackz").
Or while waiting for respawn at counter strike  ::)
So a cool feature would be a timer to turn automatically to the next card. When the timer is at zero the card go to the end of the stack or go to the left stack (timer duration and default action choosable in options panel?)

-Finally a small bug : apparently stackz can not find files  in subDirectorys on sdcards...

I use pocket stack every day since I arrived in japan, this is the kind of software I am glad to have bought!

Thank you again for your updates! They are always a great pleasure!


Quote-I use the paint panel all the time to check if I remember correctly how to write the kanji, but it is indeed very small.
Meanwhile I?ve given up working with that panel at all. It?s too small indeed.

QuoteIf we could write on any part of the screen this would be great! (like transcriber)
That would be really great.

I?m still enthusiastic with the programm. I use it every day and everywhere.  :)
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Thanks for the interesting ideas!

Quote from: saito_j on April 06, 2006, 11:13:35 AM
-I use the paint panel all the time to check if I remember correctly how to write the kanji, but it is indeed very small.

I am going to make the panel bigger.
Hopefully it will be ready next week :)
I will post a message here, when it is done.

Quote from: saito_j on April 06, 2006, 11:13:35 AM
-Finally a small bug : apparently stackz can not find files? in subDirectorys on sdcards...

As for the bug...
It's not really a PocketStackz bug.
Windows Mobile has some limitations with the external cards.
If you open MS Pocket Excel, you will also see the similar problem.
But you can open the file from your SD card.
First close PocketStackz then start the File Explore and click on the file
you are going to open within the File Explore.
This will start the PocketStackz and it will open the file.

I will see how I can improve it.
Maybe I will find some workaround.


thank you for your reply

For the subdirectory problem, the ebpocket program (a dictionnary reader) has an option to scan all directorys,
I think it is open source, you might want to take a look at how they do it :)



I've just released a new version with the bigger writing panel for the VGA devices.
Please try it and check if the current size is OK for you.

As the next step I would like to make the sizes configurable.
This will affect both the writing panel and the attributes.

Best regards,


Yeay thank you!
I will try that tonight and keep you updated


bigger panel works great for me!
thank you



where do I get the new version with the bigger writing panel? Just Download everything again? If yes: Will everthing else be the same after the Download?

Thx atomu
世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Quote from: atomu on April 13, 2006, 03:01:08 PM
where do I get the new version with the bigger writing panel? Just Download everything again? If yes: Will everthing else be the same after the Download?

Simply click on the "Download" here:
and you will be able to get the installer of the latest version.
Everything will be the same except the the bigger writing panel.

Best regards,


Thank you! Works fine.

The results of my "paintings" still aren?t very beautiful, but that?s another problem. It?s good to have this option and now it?s much better than before.

With kind regards,

世間とは個人じゃないか ――太宰治「人間失格」より


Yeah it would be great if we could have so kind of "black paint brush" effect  ;D

Anyway I think It would be very difficult to implement...
But cool  ::)