Crash on startup

Started by brett.gildersleeve, May 30, 2007, 05:12:21 PM

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I used the program for about 30 minutes and checked out the new features.  Then closed it down.  A few minutes later I tried to start it up again to check out some more things, but at this point it crashes on startup.  The error message from my Visual Studio debugger is:

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in Stackz.exe [2460].  (The number in brackets changes each time)

So now it won't start up.  I will try to restart my computer and see if that alleviates the problem.


Restart does not help... will try reinstallation.


Reinstall doesn't help, will try clean uninstall/reinstall...


Try holding down the SHIFT key during startup.

I added this to suppress the window position restoration at startup, which used to caus a crash under some circumstances. I thought the problems were gone, but the suppression with the shift key is still there.


Success!  Yes that seemed to work.  Thanks!


good that I left that function in...
bad that I need to find the reason for the crash...


An interesting note... if you try to start the program again while it is already running (i.e. start another instance) the same error occurs.


Just a question to all beta testers:

How often do you encounter this problem?

Can you identify any action that will produce this error on the next startup?


For me it has only happened once.  I think it occurred because I moved a window too high up on the screen, but I can't seem to repeat it.  Will give it a few more tries...


It happens to me every time I try to start up.  I have a screen shot of the error and a Dr Watson log file if you think that would be helpful.

The program begins to start and then an error box appears with

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
[red circle with X in it] Runtime Error!
Program: C:\Program Files\MindDat...

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way,
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

[button with OK in it]

When you click the button the next error box appears which says that Stackz has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Options for the debugger are included at the bottom of the message.

Close the debugger box and the program terminates the start up.

Using the shift key does not solve the problem for me.



I had the same problem with beta 2: crash at start up. I reinstalled beta 2 then beta 1, and finally also restarted my PC but problem remained appearing ("stackz has generated errors...").  After reading above messages, I started stacks by pushing on shift-key and it works perfectly well (opening and closing ok so far).

PS: sorry erroneously reported this bug in another zone of the forum first > please delete that message.


Stackz 07 beta 3 does no longer crash in this situation.

A message box is displayed, informing the user that the default layout is loaded if the problem should occur again.

One situation leading to the problem has been found and eliminated, but maybe there are others. If you see this message, this means that an internal inconsistency has happened and that the menu state settings are reverted to their default in order to continue.

It would be interesting to know how often this message box is appearing, and ideally how to reproduce it. It seems to happen if the standard edition is used after having used the dictionary edition previously, but I can't reproduce it.


beta 3 did not fix the problem for me.

Paul King


I guess you are talking about another bug ("terminate in an unusual way"). Please don't confound those errors, and note that the said problem report has not yet been moved to the "solved" thread but it is still in its original state until it's solved.